DNAKATBiohybrid precious metal clusters as sensory photocatalysts in the synthesis of high-purity drug precursors (2024-2025)
KOM-e-BIOElectron-mediated biocatalyzed synthesis of fine chemicals in microstructured continuous flow reactors (2023-2024)
SungateSunlight-driven next generation artificial photosynthesis bio-hybrid technology platform for highly efficient carbon neutral production of solar fuels (2023-2027)
AmmonpaktorHydrogen gas production by photochemcial decomposition of ammonia (2021-2023)
IlluminatePhotochemical-assisted biocatalysis for the continuous-flow synthesis of fine chemicals (2021-2024)
CarbonIDColoured carbon nano dots as barcode particles for the digitalization of materials (2020 - 2021)
NMRplusXOrthogonal spectroscopic analysis and chemometrics as a process analytical tool for calibration and self-optimizing chemical processes (2019 - 2021)
PhotoFlowApplication of heterogeneous photocatalysts for flow photochemistry (2018 - 2020)
CarbonCatPhotochemical catalysis with diamond-based catalysts for the transformation of CO2 into C1 chemicals (2016 - 2021)
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GreenFluxContinuous-flow photochemistry in microstructured environment (2012 - 2017)
ContiNMROnline NMR analysis for the continuous synthesis of fluorine fine chemicals (2014 - 2015)
PlasmaCatPlasmapolymerized polymeric thin films as carrier structures for nanoscopic catalysts (2014 - 2015)
POLYCATModern polymer-based catalysts and microflow conditions as key elements of innovations in fine chemical synthesis (2010 - 2014)